Monday, May 3, 2010

skeleton idea

with the skeleton dress, becuase the accelerometre didn't come on time due to silly public holidays in both countries, i decided to just concentrate on using another technique that would react to movement.
by using mercury switches, the LEDs could be controlled by movement as an on and off switch.
i applied this to coloured LEDs at the bottom of the dress.
the multi-coloured LEDs when turned off an on pulse at different speeds.
i thought this would be nice to have as an entertaining factor.
with dance perfromances usually on a stage it is dark with angled lighting.
the coloured leds would emit the light on particular parts of the wire showing off the skeleton structure.
the user wearing the costume i would imagine to be either white body painted or to be wearing black clothing underneath.
In the dark, the LEDs situated on the bodess of the dress are white lights. They are controlled by a light sensor.
there is four groups of LEDs on the bodess, one, two, three(+ four) are controlled in 3 groups from the arduino. The arduino sensors how much light is being let into its control and sends the information to switch on the LEDS.
i have three different settings for the lights.
the idea is, that when the coloured LEDs switch on and off from the mercury switch being tilted the lights will get brighter and duller depending on which lights are switched on an off.
There is two mercury switches each controlling three sets of 5 LEDs that are different colours.
the light sensor reads the first lot being turned on and therefore turns on the middle section of white LEDs. the second light value switches the side group and same for the 3rd group and the other side of the white LEDs.
in performance, the light values would be changing as the user tilted back and forward to set off a random light response from above.
The accelerometre could have done the same job all in one go with computer coding which was a shame it arrived the day after the project was due.
i might intergrate this into the project later however as i think it would benefit the dress to more extent.

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